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Vicky Charest
Vicky Charest photo

Vicky Charest


Vicky Charest

Roxton Pond, Canada

Self-taught, I have been painting since the age of 7. As a child, I spent hours drawing, coloring and painting. Brushes and pencils already fascinated me and I loved to use them on different Canvas. At the age when dolls were still being played with, I preferred to sit at the table where I let my imagination run wild creating different shapes and colorful and lively drawings. As a teenager, I painted oceans, rocks and winter landscapes in oil. At night, I would get up to improve my painting by discovering new techniques as ideas came to me while I was sleeping. Nature always fascinates me and I always observe it and give it a privileged place in my creations. I take pictures of it and put it in image in different ways depending on the medium used. Recently, I started with digital drawing and I discovered a new way to create and to exteriorize myself. Creating allows me to be in the present and to feel the energy that comes out of each line. It is my own meditation.

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