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Victoria Broytman
Victoria Broytman photo

Victoria Broytman


Victoria Broytman

Toronto, Canada


1998 - 2003
Moscow Textile University, Master Degree in Textile Product Art Design


CAFFEINE Toronto’s Cafe, Holiday Bazaar Exhibition
December, 2017
The Mad Bean Coffee House , January Art Exhibition
January, 2014
Product Nightclub The ART Galleria Expo, Toronto
October, 2013
Studio Vogue Gallery My Toronto 2011, Toronto
May, 2011

Victoria Broytman is a professional artist passionate about painting and decorative art. She lives in Toronto and enjoys exploring the city from different perspectives. Bright refractions of light in skyscrapers, the tranquil scenery of quieter areas, the rare combination of the old and the modern -- Toronto's remarkable diversity inspires her to explore new shapes and ideas.

While she has created a variety of urban views and landscapes, Victoria also enjoys working on more abstract, expressionist art, especially floral motifs. As a professional textile designer, she has a strong command of ornamental patterns and ethnic styles. She also places great emphasis on the use of colour to create a unique mood. Whether inspired by New York or Los Angeles, Canadian nature, or an abstract theme, each of her paintings evokes its own special atmosphere. For Victoria, art is all about capturing a feeling, a momentary impression -- and turning it into a visual memory that lasts a lifetime.

Victoria Broytman is a professional artist with a passion for painting and decorative art. She lives in Toronto and enjoys exploring the city from different points of view. The brilliant refraction of light in skyscrapers, the tranquil landscape of quieter neighborhoods, the bizarre combination of old and contemporary -- Toronto's remarkable diversity inspires her to seek out new forms and ideas.

While she has created a wide variety of urban views and landscapes, Victoria also enjoys making more abstract and expressionist art, particularly floral motifs. As a professional textile designer, she has mastered ornamental patterns and ethnic styles. She places great emphasis on the use of color to create a unique atmosphere. Whether inspired by New York or Los Angeles, Canadian nature or an abstract theme, each of her paintings evokes a special mood. For Victoria, art is a way of capturing an emotion, a fleeting impression -- and transforming it into a visual memory for life.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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