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Gida Pontbriand
Gida Pontbriand photo

Gida Pontbriand


Gida Pontbriand

Kanata, Canada


1967 - 1970
Fine Arts at Carolina Ramirez School of Art - Mexico City
1998 - 1998
Printing techniques - Attelier du Saffranier, Antibes , France
1984 - 1987
Fine Arts - Ottawa School of Art, Ottawa, Canada


Arps's Gallery - Amsterdam - NL
novembre, 2013
Our New Land, Our Roots - National University of Mexico in Canada
octobre, 1995
Utopia - Ottawa City Hall Gallery, Ottawa, Canada
octobre, 1996

Partager le profil de Gida Pontbriand

Gilda has obtained 24 prizes for her work in oil, acrylics and mixed media and 10 more prizes for photography and digital art. One of them, the First Prize in the competition “Imagine Don Quixote” in 2005. The Embassy of Spain sponsored her trip to visit La Mancha, Spain. She has exhibited her work in countries such as Canada, Mexico, The United States of America, The Netherlands, Japan, Korea, etc.
Son travail a été récompensé a travers le monde par 24 prix nationaux et internationaux en peinture et 10 prix pour photographie.

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