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Phil Bertrand
Phil Bertrand photo

Phil Bertrand


Phil Bertrand

Montreal, Canada


Border Arts Fair Venice
juillet, 2023

Partager le profil de Phil Bertrand

Philippe Bertand is a multi-talented artist with a passion for digital media. Born and raised in a creative environment, Philippe's interest in art began at an early age. He started experimenting with various forms of art, including drawing, painting, and photography, but eventually found his calling in the digital realm.

In 2008, Philippe began his career as a DJ, spinning records that quickly gained him recognition within the industry. He soon became a sought-after performer, opening for many international acts and performing at some music festivals.

Alongside his DJ career, Philippe developed a keen interest in visual arts, and in 2010, he began his career as a VJ. He quickly established himself as a talented and innovative visual artist, using his skills to enhance the performances of many international DJs and artists.

Philippe's digital art has been a constant passion throughout his life, using multiple mediums, from Photoshop to generative art, to create mesmerizing pieces of art. His artistic style is often characterized by vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and a fusion of various art forms. He is also known for his expertise in 3D mapping and creative setups. His unique approach to combining technology and art has led to the creation of immersive visual experiences that captivate and inspire audiences.

With his artistic talent and passion for digital media, Philippe has established himself as a versatile artist,combining various art forms, able to adapt to different mediums and styles. He continues to create awe-inspiring visual experiences for audiences around the world, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who experiences his work.

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