Œuvres d’art originales livrées à votre porte ! 🎨

R E Swirsky
R E Swirsky photo

R E Swirsky

Arto Galleria

Arto Galleria

This is my very first post here on Arto Galleria, and I am so thrilled to be here, sharing and showing my art.
In my part of the world it seems that things are finally starting to get back to normal with the announcements of some of the bigger art shows committing to going ahead this summer. For me, its the Artists' studio at the Calgary Exhibition & Stampede here in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The exhibition opens July 9th and runs through July 18th. Unfortunately it looks like this show will be mostly limited to Canadians as our borders are mostly closed and travel in and out of Canada is still very limited.
I will be posting much of the artwork that will be at the show here in my gallery, so check it out over the coming weeks as I upload my new art.

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