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Alisha Lynn
Alisha Lynn photo

Alisha Lynn


Alisha Lynn

Bradford, Canada


2008 - 2012
Fine arts at TDCH


Art Gala
June, 2012
Art Show
December, 2014
Craft Show
June, 2022

I am a simple girl. I’ve been around paint since I was 4. Art in any capacity had my interest. Nothing was ever too much and usually never enough. Now as an adult I paint houses as a career and teach in my spare time. I’m inspired by everyday life, nature, people. The way the wind blows and waves crash. Even dreams sometimes, I suddenly get up and need to paint it. I love nature, and any moment there’s a beautiful day I’m packed up and heading somewhere in my car. Anywhere I can be inspired. The beach, a good hike, getting lost in an old small town. It’s all good for the flow of creative juices.
For most of my life art was an escape. My childhood was a hard one, and I found refuge when I held a brush in my hands. I could create any space I wanted with that brush. It soothed me. Calmed me, and rid me of my fears. I would paint great big emotional pieces, sometimes faces, and sometimes scenes that just felt chaotic. Once I got these emotions down on a canvas I could move on. Almost like purging your apartment. It felt good. I kept going and soon my work was my bleeding heart.
You can see the emotional reflection in my work. I look at some of my stuff and maybe it’s just me but I feel the emotions I had when I painted it. These self reflections are very important to me as an artist, and as a human. When we are the most vulnerable is truly when we make our masterpiece. Now I am older, and my work has gotten tame but you can still feel the emotions with every brush stroke. Happy or melancholy.
Teaching art has got to be one of my favorite things. I often find my humanity relating to other people. Which is now why I feel the need to teach. Seeing other pieces taking shape by simple instruction, and the emotion and interpretation of every different brain is fascinating. I am always amazed how two different people with the same instruction can come up with something totally different from the other. I love inspiring people to take risks and paint what their heart is feeling.
Art is amazing therapy. Spending some time alone with good music, and a great big mess is still how I find myself and loose myself today.

Teaching events can be found here:

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