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Dan Goorevitch
Dan Goorevitch photo

Dan Goorevitch


Dan Goorevitch

Toronto, Canada


1973 - 1977
Vancouver School of Art


8 Artists (John B. Aird Gallery)
March, 2008
Dan Goorevitch (solo, Justina M. Barnicke Gallery)
February, 1991

Born in 1951 in Edmonton with an identical twin brother. A sister followed. My father died at 32 and my mother followed five years later. I was brought up Oliver! style, in a British boarding school. Painting was my door to bring out all I thought had been trapped inside me forever. It is my freedom and my discovery. I create a space for the imagination. I try to stay between chaos and order to uncover unconscious material that would evade conscious searches to create a more accurate depiction of what it feels like to be alive.

Born in Edmonton in 1951 with an identical twin brother. A sister followed. My father died at 32 and my mother followed five years later. I was raised Olivier! style, in a British boarding school. Painting was my doorway to bringing out all that I thought had been imprisoned inside me forever. It's my freedom and my discovery. I create space for the imagination. I try to stay between chaos and order to discover unconscious material that would escape conscious investigation to create a more accurate representation of what it feels like to live.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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