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Frankie photo




Pointe-Claire, Canada


2021 - present


Stewart Hall Art Collection -Juried Exhibit (Rental and Sale)
November, 2022
Stewart Hall Art Collection -Juried Exhibit (Rental and Sale)
November, 2023

My Story

I was born and raised in Montreal and have lived in a busy household in Pointe-Claire with my husband and three boys for many years. In January 2022, we became empty nesters and retired. Finally, some time for me.

I wanted a fun project for the winter months, so I immersed myself in learning about abstract art, reading numerous books on the subject and taking endless notes. I talked to other artists and followed many on social media. I read all about Austrian painter Gustav Klimt, loving his swirls and circles and beautiful colour combinations (minus the nudes! ;)). I also took inspiration from Nova Scotia artist Maud Lewis. She didn't shy away from bold colours and she spread joy and optimism.

I decided my first project would be to paint a large canvas for our bedroom. (I had painted a funky wall in our basement under the stairs - my project for the previous year, January 2021- and loved doing it. So I had decided then, "Why not try a canvas for the bedroom next January?" And here I was doing it.) I was ready. After a small investment in a large canvas 36"x36" and paint (I chose acrylics for easy clean up), I began my project.

That decision changed my life! I never looked back as I entered a whole new world of expression and freedom. I have since completed dozens of paintings, from mini 12” x 12” to extra-large canvases, which I seem to prefer because they suit my bold abstract style. I am hooked, and have fallen in love with painting and creating (hopefully) beautiful art.

In my first year, I sold many to friends, and much to my surprise, I sold a few to perfect strangers! In addition, one of my paintings was selected for a juried exhibit, and it sold. It was a great start to a new hobby which quickly became a true passion.

I am grateful and thankful to you for taking interest in, and even liking, my art. It is an important part of my journey, sharing it with you. I hope my paintings bring you as much happiness as creating them gives me. đź’—

Frankie đź’—

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