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It's been an amazing year!

It's been an amazing year!

Here's what's happened to me this year, and how this painting journey got started!
In January 2022 I retire fully. I read four books about abstract art and take 20 pages of notes. I decide to paint a large canvas for our bedroom. ( I had painted a funky wall in our basement under the stairs, in January 2021, and loved doing it. So I had decided then, "Why not try a canvas next January?" And so I did.) I used acrylic paint, because it was less expensive (😂oops) and an easy clean up!
By March 2022, I have completed dozens of mini paintings (which I've since glued together to form two large pieces) , and I'm still working on my large canvas. I realize I am hooked, and have fallen in love with painting.
By the end of April, I have completed my very first large canvas, and have started painting on larger canvases.
In May, I sell my first three paintings to Joanne, a very good friend.
In July, I sell two paintings to Isabelle, a wonderful and total stranger. That was a wow!🎉
In October, my very first painting, which I had named Hillside Garden, was selected by a jury for a November Art Rental and Sale exhibit at Stewart Hall, Pointe-Claire.
In November, I participated in my first vernissage at Stewart Hall. (See picture- I was very excited, I was next to Claire Desjardins' painting) There were multiple renters/ buyers interested in my piece.😊
Now it's December. I have painted 95 paintings ( I am including the small ones), I have sold 15 in all, including family and friends.
The cherry on the icing on the cake is... Arto reached out last week! And here I am.
What a ride! 😂
Thank you for listening. Thank you for liking my art. It is an important part of my journey, sharing it with you. I hope my paintings bring you as much happiness as creating them has given me.🥰
Happy Holidays!🎄See you in 2023.

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