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Fred Moore
Fred Moore photo

Fred Moore


Fred Moore

Shelburne, Canada


- 1986
Major in Fine Art & Photography

Fred Moore was born with an interest in the arts. At age 10 he began to show abilities of drawing and painting. By age 16, he was advised to enroll in a fine art school in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. It was there he was introduced to the world of photography, and has not looked back since. Unique to Fred's artistic background and photography style, he will often produce Fine Art Works combining both his photography and artistic skills. He has produced a number of original book covers, album covers, and fine art works, on an ongoing basis.
He has always been inspired in beauty, the surreal, and applies these to his work. Over the last 6 years, his work has sold world-wide. His work here on Arto Galleria is available, only through this site as limited edition prints. We only offer prints at the moment, sent to buyers packaged safely in mailing tubes. It is left to the buyers to have their prints matted and framed on their end.
We hope you enjoy the Fine Art Works of Fred Moore!

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