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KMEG Art Creations
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KMEG Art Creations


KMEG Art Creations

Calgary, Canada

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Karla Greene (Magnusson) was born on October 14th, 1977, into a family of artistic and creative people who have expressed their talents in many ways: sewing, needle work, carpentry, design and art. Her parents and grandparents on both sides of the family and her siblings have all been known for their creative talents.

As for Karla, she has always been interested in art even as a child. She loved her art classes, especially in high school and excelled in her ability to express herself through art.

As a single mom of three small children, Karla's love of art was put on hold for several years. Her responsibility to provide for her children led her to a career in nursing which she has kept her very busy.

That career in nursing, interestingly enough, has also once again awakened that love of drawing and creating pieces of art. Karla was assaulted by a patient while working on an acute psychiatric unit. Her injuries included a broken foot and torn leg muscle. During her extended time of recovery after being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); she began her journey back to art. Her first piece was African Wild Eyes. This piece was inspired by a South African doctor and his beautiful wife, Dr. Lourens and Louwinda Human. She created it to honor their friendship and compassion for the hurting. She worked on this beautiful collage of African creatures and she began to heal emotionally, mentally and physically. Since she finished this piece, she has produced other beautiful and meaningful works of art.

She was delighted to be commissioned by a woman who asked her to make a portrait from a picture she had. She did a beautiful job on that painting and looks forward to future opportunities as well.

Karla is back, working as a Registered Nurse; but also firmly committed to furthering her love of art and the peace and fulfillment that it affords in her life.

Karla Greene (Magnusson) was born on October 14, 1977 into an artistic and creative family expressing her talents in a variety of areas such as sewing, embroidery, woodworking and artistic design. Her parents and grandparents, maternal and paternal, as well as her siblings are well known for their creativity and talent.

Following in her family's footsteps, Karla showed a deep love and interest for art since she was a child, especially in her high school studies where she exceeded expectations and demonstrated a great ability to express herself through art.

As a single mother Karla was forced to put aside her passion for art to dedicate herself to her three children. The responsibility of providing for and caring for her family led Karla to dedicate herself to the nursing profession which she continues to practice today.

In a very unusual and interesting way the nursing profession reawakened Karla's passion for art due to an unfortunate incident where she was attacked by a patient while working in the psychiatric area, the incident left Karla with a broken foot and muscle. During her recovery Karla was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and it was there that Karla began her journey back to art.

Her first art piece called "African Wild Eyes" was inspired by South African doctor Lourens Human and his beautiful wife Louwinda, this artwork was created to honor their friendship and compassion for those suffering. While Karla was working on this collection of beautiful African figures she began her emotional, mental and physical recovery process. Since then Karla has created other interesting and meaningful pieces of art.

Karla has also created beautiful pieces of art on request, as when a woman asked her to make a painting from a photograph, she worked with great emotion and enthusiasm on this piece and the result was beautiful. Karla was so satisfied that she is looking for future opportunities to repeat the experience.

Karla is back in the nursing field but is also fully committed to following her love of art and pursuing peace and fulfillment in her life.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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