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Nicole Proteau
Nicole Proteau photo

Nicole Proteau


Nicole Proteau

Sherbrooke, Canada


2001 - 2005
Ateliers d'aquarelle, dessin de modèles vivants, dessin de perfectionnement
2011 - 1975
Ateliers de dessin animalier, dessin à l'encre, acrylique sur toile, techniques mixtes, encres acryliques et techniques mixtes, dessin de modèle vivant


Les Traces qu'on laisse (Maison des arts et de la culture de Brompton, Québec)
November, 2022
Émotions (Art'M Magog, Québec) (Oeuvre choisie pour illustrer l'exposition)
May, 2022
Full Lumineux (Art'M Magog, Québec)
January, 2022
Sans titre - Exposition solo - Artistes du Parvis (Sherbrooke, Québec)
December, 2021
Sans titre - Grande Virée artistique (Sherbrooke, Québec)
September, 2022
Empreinte - Art'M (Magog, Québec)
October, 2021
Noir et Blanc - Maison des arts et de la culture de Brompton (Québec)
November, 2000
Libre - Comité Arts et culture Jacques-Cartier (Sherbrooke, Québec)
January, 2021
Sans titre - Grande Virée artistique (Sherbrooke, Québec)
September, 2021
Sans titre - Artistes peintres associés de Sherbrooke (Québec). (plusieurs expositions)
June, 2021
Sans titre - Grande Virée artistique (Sherbrooke, Québec)
June, 2019
Sans titre - Artistes du Parvis
October, 2020

All my work focuses on the human body, particularly portraits, since faces symbolize for me the place of all thoughts, the human being and his or her own universe, in all its complexity and subjectivity. Inspired by Adèle Blais, whose colorful, complex heads marked by fine black lines project us into the complex world of femininity, I seek to create works that surpass the realm of the visible to be projections of the imaginary, using a composition marked by line, translucent colors and a presence rich in materiality.

Using a variety of disciplines (watercolor, ink, acrylic, acrylic auxiliaries, mixed media and the integration of matter), I have a predilection for watercolor, whose transparency allows the translation of a sensation, a state of mind, and whose fluidity generates unexpected effects that suggest shapes and lines as a metaphor for the complexity of the character's metaphysical reality. The amalgam between the spontaneity of watercolour and the more methodical work of drawing, representing two facets of my personality, enables me to create multiple universes, each of which is a part of me.

Throughout the entire course of my work, I'm focusing on the human body, particularly the portrait, the faces symbolizing the place of all thoughts, the human and his own universe, in it's complexity and it's subjectivity.

Inspired by Adèle Blais whose colourful and complex heads detailed with fine black lines let us sink into the complex universe of feminity, I seek to create works of art that go beyond the real of the visible but projections of the imagination using a composition detailed by the use of line, the translucency of colours and a rich presence of materiality.

Using a plurality of disciplines, my compositions suggest a glimpse of access to the metaphysical realty of the character. The merge between the spontaneity of water-colour and the more methodical work put into the drawing representing two aspects of my personality allows me to create a multiple of universes, each of them being a part of me.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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